WE LOVE KIDS! Mt. Tam Church strives to be a place that nurtures your spirit and supports your family. Our vision is that each and every person – all ages – find a place to grow in faith and joy. Children are the heart of our ministry and mission, and forming families of deep values, generous hearts and strong bonds are the foundation of what we do. Children, Youth and Families Minister Tricia Wiig brings joy and passion to her work with our children and their families.
Use the buttons below to download additional resources including our safe sanctuary policy and our registration form for our children and youth ministry programs including our nursery, Sunday School, youth group and other events:
Fall Kickoff Sunday
Our Fall Kickoff Sunday is open to all ages, and is especially geared to families with children 0-18 years old. It takes place the Sunday after labor day and marks the start of our year-round Sunday School program. Children may join our Sunday School program anytime throughout the year.
Children age 4 years through 5th grade meet in Room 1. As always, the nursery is open from the start of worship for children under age 4. Hope to see you there!
Sunday Mornings
Children begin the morning in worship with their families, with joyful music and bringing in the light of Christ. They gather for the children’s sermon with Pastor Luke and afterwards are invited to participate in Godly Play Sunday School or remain with their families in worship. At 11:30, teachers walk the children back to worship to meet their parents. We offer Sunday School every Sunday, except on Christmas and Easter for children aged 4 years – 5th grade using the Godly Play curriculum.
On first Sundays of the month, children return to worship near the end of the service to have communion with their families. On special occasions children remain in the service for a fun, interactive, inter-generational worship.
We always have our toy boxes, activity packets, and children’s library in our sanctuary for kids who wish to stay in the service.
What is Godly Play?
Godly Play is a Montessori based Sunday School program that focuses on sharing a worship experience with children rather than providing instructional learning.
Each session includes a story, told by heart, along with visual materials so children see the story in addition to hearing it. Afterwards we wonder out loud together…. “I wonder which part of the story you liked best? I wonder which part of the story is the most important? I wonder where you are in the story or what part is about you?” There is time for responding to the story, through art or play, and time for prayer, with each child having the opportunity to lift up prayers of joy or concern. We end the session by praying the Lord’s Prayer together, “Our Creator, who art in heaven….”
The heart of Godly Play:
- Creating a sacred space
- Building Community
- Developing a sense of wonder
- Making meaning of our lives through Bible stories
Godly Play Introduction with Jerome Berryman, Founder of Godly Play
What are families saying?
“Godly Play is a place that you go to hear stories and do activities and art. I learn stories about God. I feel happy when I go to Godly Play.” -C (8)
“I pray.” -W (4)
“Godly Play has opened the door for my children to wonder about God. I find my children often sharing their prayers with me or offering to pray in a difficult circumstance. I love that Godly Play is giving my children a meaningful, age appropriate worship experience and growing their understanding of God instead of other typical programming for children that is meant to keep kids occupied while parents attend church. As a parent, I have a desire for my children to know the basic stories of the Bible in order to give them a firm faith foundation and I think that Godly Play not only fulfills this but also invites kids to experience these stories and create a relationship with God themselves.”-S
“Our two boys ages 7 and 10 have been attending Godly Play ever since they graduated from the nursery. The program has had a tremendously positive influence on their growth in the Mt. Tam Church community. It has spurred dinner conversations about God and prompted the children to ask about many stories in the Bible. The curriculum has been especially impactful on our younger son who is a hands-on learner and loves the building and art projects that happen during the gatherings.” -T & L
Babies and Toddlers
For families with very young children, there is loving, nursery care available from 10:15-11:45am. If children would like to remain in worship, there are 2 toy boxes in the back of the sanctuary on each side and a rocker and toy box in the narthex, where the service can be seen and heard on the video monitor.
Parents’ Night Out/Kids’ Night In
The children of the church and their friends gather for crafts, games and movie nights throughout the year and parents get the night off! Proceeds benefit our youth programs and youth service trips.
Santa’s Workshop
Each December, the children gather for pizza and gift making. Children make gifts for their parents and loved ones for the holiday season and leave with their presents wrapped, ready to put under the tree.
Christmas Pageant
Our annual Children’s Christmas Pageant takes place during our worship service, usually on the second Sunday in December, and is a highlight of the holiday season. Rehearsals begin in November, every Sunday before worship. The pageant is open to children of all ages, even babies and toddlers!
Peace Camp – 2025, Date TBD
For one week in the summer, Mt. Tam Church transforms into a fun and spirit-filled summer camp for kids ages 5-12. Campers will be immersed in peacemaking activities as experienced through spiritual practices, the arts, cooperative outdoor games, yoga, music and more. Our mission is to equip and empower children, through God’s love and grace, to be peacemakers in the world. All faiths and spiritual traditions are welcome to learn, grow and play with us!